
It's easy for others to disregard the value of pets in someone's daily life, but anyone who has ever loved an animal knows the truth. They become family, companions, and, sometimes, the only solace someone has in the world. Let's find out more about the comfort of doing something to remember your furry friend after they pass. 1. Honoring Them Losing a...

Dogs are a very popular pet in America, with 52 million of them living in 32 million households, according to Rowan and Patronek. Yes, that means that some people have more than one dog. Dogs, unfortunately, don't have the longest lifespan. How can they prepare for the loss of such a faithful companion and member of their family? Spend Quality Time...

Many pet owners choose pet cremation services. According to PetMD, pet cremation services are one of the most popular options for the afterlife care of pets. Pet cremation comes with unique benefits that pet burial doesn't offer. Here are some of the benefits of choosing pet cremation. Safe for Travel The average person will move 13 times in their life. Unfortunately, when...

If you're interested in pet memorial services, you might have questions about what to expect. This list below will help you understand the process. Consider this process if your pet memorial services are looming in the near future. Starts With Cremation or Burial You can choose to either bury or cremate your pet. Burial will require a grave, while cremation needs an...

Visiting a cremation facility can be a difficult experience, but it doesn't have to be – there are steps you can take to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. Below are some of the services that you can expect from a pet cremation facility. Gathering Information The first step in the process is to provide information about your beloved pet...

The death of a pet can be an emotionally devastating experience. For pet owners, a pet memorial service offers an opportunity to honor its life. Before the memorial, you may want to consider cremation. With pet cremation, pet owners can keep the pet's remains and create a lasting memorial of their pet. When choosing pet cremation services, there are several...

Your family pet is a very active and significant member of your family. Many pet owners understand the value of the unconditional love and companionship that dogs, cats, and other pets provide and choose to honor them with memorial services. Memorial services for pets generally refer to options for preserving your memory of your beloved pet. Those options include paw prints...

Your pet is far more than just an animal. It's a friend and a family member that has spent many hours by your side or on your lap. Even though we know their lifespans are shorter than ours, having one pass away, whether naturally or after being put to sleep to end suffering, can be emotionally devastating. A pet cremation...

According to the Foresight Companies, the average lifespan of cats and dogs is seven years, while according to PetMD, that lifespan is closer to 10 to 15 years. Regardless, while a pet cat or dog will live long enough to see a child grow up, and love them for that entire time, there will come a time when your beloved...