26 Feb Georgie, the Princess, Koerner
Dear Georgie.
From the moment you entered in our lives in October 2006, our home has never been the same. The foster gave you nickname ‘Spitfire’ and we understood completely why when we arrived our home. You were the only one girl of your four siblings. You escaped death and waited for Anna in the little hammock in PetCo near her school. You were so fast that we just noticed that you were there. After days of adjusting, we were able to hold you in our arms. Your black fur was soft and shiny.. your beautiful yellow eyes were so bright and full of curiousity . You joined your big brother Max and King Rex very nicely. You would be next to your big bro, Max , and watched children go by and barked at them. You thought you were dog, instead of cat. You enjoyed playing football🥰 I enjoyed your jump snd sat in my lap every morning. You lived a happy life and went though family moves to and from Hawaii. You were annoyed by my fostered kittens in Hawaii. You were up the kitchen island watching them from up high carefully. You were healthy kitty and loved your food. When I noticed you didn’t enjoy your food much , I took you in for a check up. You were diagnosed with CKD, stage 2, in Jan 2022 and it didn’t impact your life at all. You were a champ taking fluids here and there. You still whined for my attention. You hunted for the white tiny mouse , cried with unique voice so loudly and brought it to me proudly. I recognized that cry and i am missing it so much right now. You were the Princess of our home . You never allowed anyone to dominant you. You let Clyde know to stop pursuing to be King , the position that only your brother Rex was allowed. I loved when you joined us poking your head up in the end chair of rhe dining table You sat so perfectly and claimed that chair! I couldn’t say you enjoyed your Halloween and Chrisrmas costumes, but you were not grumpy about it and looked great in them. Every morning in these past years, you woke me up every morning . Sometimes it was 5 am. In the weekend! I would want to hear that this morning, but it was silent. I wanted to see your hopping downstairs like a rabbit one more time this morning, but I did not see it. Your absence was so strong. Your heated cusion was empty. Last Saturday, you became ill and I rushed you to the ER. The vet drew fluid out of your chest cavity and put you in oxygen kennel. You bounced back nicely so the vet released you almost midnight and we would go to cardiologist to check for treatment. There was no mass so we were happy to know that. I am glad that you spent your last night with me, instead of the hospital. We fell asleep together. You wole me up at 6 am and i knew the fluid came back again. We wanted to stabilize you so you see the cardiologist the next day. Your heart just couldn’t sustain . You passed in my arm naturally and peacefully at 5.20 pm.
We love you so much Georgie. You will be in our hearts and be our Princess forever. Please play with your big bro, Max and Rex, your dear family, Moe and Havana. I will meet you again, my Georgie.
Love you so much,
Mom and your sisters Gina and Anna❤❤❤🐈⬛