
Bee Bee Tree Swirly Girl ! You are loved by so many, but especially by your family Peter, Lindsay, and baby Pete. Rest in peace within the garden of our hearts. Amen....

My Darling Arabella (Bella)- I loved you from the very first second of the very first day until the very last second of the very last day. You had many monikers that perfectly summed up your goofy personality: The Evil Pirate Princess Arabella; Roly Poly Bella; Boola; Doodle Bug; Golden Raisin; Belly Boo; Girlie Whirly McShmerly; and, of course, my...

Time is an illusion that helps things make sense So we are always living in the present tense It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends But you and I will always be back then You and I will always be back then Will happen, happening, happened Will happen, happening, happened And will happen again and again 'Cause you and I will always be back then You and I...

You were the best piggy Clover. We love you and miss you dearly. We cannot wait to have you home with us again. Love your family and your furry friend Roswell....

Thank you for everything Wammy we will miss you forever and always have you in our hearts you were the best thing that happen to us till we see each other again beautiful girl 🕊️🐾...

I’ll always remember you as my first baby- the one who taught me how to be a Mom and to love with all my heart. You were the beginning of my own family. You watched me grow, as I watched you grow too. You moved with me from place to place, and from one phase of life to another…buying my...

My sweet Charro, The family is very sorry that you are gone. Your siblings miss you and expect you to come through the door. Mommy misses you very much. I miss your little mirks while we snuggle on the couch and the bed isn't very warm since you aren't by my side at night. I expect to see you on the...

Born Rocko, but became adorably know as baby bear. Because you resembled a black little fluffy baby bear, it eventually stuck. Rocko is a name forgotten. Bear is forever how you’re known. Sweet, unconditionally loving, protective and just all around the most wonderful soul of a dog any person would be lucky enough to know. You were known not just...

Little Lola, you brought so much joy to my life. You were my heart, my family, my everything. I miss you so much and I will never forget you....