23 Aug Rex , Always # 1
Rex came to our family in the fall of 2005. He was just a little kitten with the attitude. He was Californian cat and talked quite a bit. He traveled across the country to DC area in our car and he was so unique that he could do his business on command. Immediately Rex let Max, his dog brother knew who was in charge. Rex traveled to Hawaii and enjoyed being a Hawaiian boy for 6 years. Rex was in charge and he was always #1. He believed that he should join our meals at the family dining table. Rex loved attention and could have never have enough attention. Rex has lost weight in early 2019 and got diagnosed with IBD. He thrived with the treatment until recent months. It was a true struggle to find balance between medicine for his IBD which flared up his chronic respiratory issue and the antibiotic. Rex never lost his spunk and his ” in control” attitude to his very last day.. He passed despite of how much his mom tried to help him fighting. His body just could not fight anymore. Rex, you were my kid, brother to Gina and Anna, and the boss of your pet siblings. You now join your brother Max and Moe and your sweet sister, Havana.in heaven. I will see you one day, Rex. You will get to order me to scratch your chin then. we love you so much.
Mom, Gina, and Anna July 16, 2021