Pet Memorial Products

Biodegradable: Let Your Love Grow


Let Your Love Grow is an organic mixture that allows you to plant a living memorial to a loved one or beloved pet. Through its eco-friendly mixture, you can turn cremated ashes that are otherwise harmful to the earth into a nutrient-rich soil to create a loving, living memorial.

Our mixture naturally corrects the pH level, dilutes the sodium (salt) and releases nutrients that are otherwise locked into cremated ashes, allowing them to be taken up by plant roots. In this way your plant becomes something special – a remembrance planting that is intertwined with your loved one for many years to come.

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Deciding what to do with cremated ashes and when to do it is very emotional. There are so many questions swirling through your mind regarding whether to scatter, to bury in a memorial garden, plant a tree, or just keep your loved one’s cremated ashes.

We know how tough these decisions can be since we’ve been through them ourselves. There is no wrong decision – just what’s right for you and your loved ones.

If you decide that creating a living memorial is the right fit for you, we’re here to help. Our Let Your Love Grow product ensures that you do no harm to the environment by releasing the life giving nutrients from cremated ashes into the soil.

You’ll know that your loved one lives on in whatever planting you choose.

Whether you want to use all of the ashes or just a portion in your planting, Let Your Love Grow has a size that fits your needs.

What size is right for me?

Let Your Love Grow comes in five kit sizes that work for houseplants up to trees. So your first step should be deciding what you want to plant. Once you make that decision, our recommendation for kit size is:

  • Planning on using all of the ashes? The double extra large kit accommodates all of the ashes from a human cremation and works well for any type large in-ground planting or scattering
  • Planting a tree? The extra large kit works well
  • Planting a bush, perennial or small tree? Choose the large kit
  • Planting a large container for patio or indoor use? The medium kit is your answer
  • Planting a houseplant? Choose the small kit

What comes in a kit?

Each kit contains the following in our biodegradable container:

  • One poly bag containing the Let you Love Grow organic mixture with biodegradable Twist Tie
  • One empty compostable bag
  • One biodegradable measuring scoop (scoop not included in Double Extra Large Kit – no measuring needed)
  • One additional Biodegradable Twist Tie
  • Mixing directions for either ground burial or pot or container plantings

Everything in the kit is environmentally friendly so you have no worries about harming the environment in any way. We recommend that after you blend the organic mixture and the cremated ashes that you add it into the soil.  The ashes will adhere to the scoop. After mixing, we suggest placing the scoop into the mixture before placing the plant so that none of the ashes will be misplaced. The container may also be filled with the blended mixture and placed directly into the earth. Alternatively, because the container and bag are recyclable they may be placed into the recycle bin.

How do I know the right amount of ashes to use?

Let Your Love Grow does not require you to use all of your loved one’s cremated ashes. That makes it easier for you if you have to relocate and leave behind your living memorial. You will always have your loved one near with some of their ashes still in an urn.

When adding cremated ashes to the Let Your Love Grow mixture, here’s what we recommend:

  • Double Extra Large Kit – Pre-measured to accommodate all of the ashes from a human cremation. No measuring necessary.
  • Extra Large Kit – 6 scoops of ashes
  • Large Kit – 3 scoops of ashes
  • Medium Kit – 2 scoops of ashes
  • Small Kit – 1 scoop of ashes

The amount of ash produced is pretty closely tied to the weight of the person or animal being cremated.  Here’s a list that can serve as a general guideline:

Weight  —  Cups of Ashes (1 cup = 2 scoops)

200 pounds  —  14 cups of ashes

100 pounds  —   7 cups of ashes

70 pounds     —   5 cups of ashes

40 pounds     —   3 cups of ashes

15 pounds     —   1 cup of ashes

If you are considering memorializing a large animal, such as a horse, or have more questions specific to your situation, please give us a call

Additional Information

extra large, large, medium, small