11 Mar Josie
To Josie. Sweet Josie. Our perpetual kitten. Your fur as soft as a light snow. Your little grey nose and little pink toes. And so funny. You could always make us laugh. Running through the house like lightening. Begging to be chased. Leading us to your round-about toy to show off your natural skills. Lying on our laps for hours or stretched out the bed, your back legs fully extended like a little yogi-kitty. Staking a claim in a basket or on a closet shelf. Jumping up on the bed and touching our faces so lightly with your paw. “Wake up! Feed me!” Purring away all the while. Words can’t express how much we love you and miss you. So grateful to have had you with us the past 14 years. You will always live in our hearts, little Josie girl (Josette, Josetsy, Josie-Jose…).