28 May Information on Large Pet Cremation
Losing a pet is never easy. Your pet becomes part of your family, and when they pass it is oftentimes hard to find comfort and easement. On top of emotions, it can be hard to decide how you want to celebrate your pet’s life, whether that may be a burial or cremation. Large pet cremation services are available for you and your family in your time of mourning.
The Process
Keeping stress off of you is the main priority during this tough time. In Memoriam comes to you, to rescue your pet so you don’t have to transport them. The equine cremation and other large pet cremation processes can be hard to conceptualize. It takes a few hours at the cremation facility before your pet’s ashes can be returned to you, if you choose to take that route. You can select a beautiful urn for your loved one, or we will have the honor of spreading their ashes through our property in memory of them.
Choosing an Urn
During this difficult time, doing what brings the most peace to you and your family is best. Keeping ashes from your pet is a common thing that many pet owners will do. Urns are ornamental vases designed to preserve ashes. In Memoriam offers a variety of urns with personalized nameplates to keep the memory of your beloved pet alive. Urns can vary in price, but for large pet cremation, they are considerably large. A simple measurement is that about one cubic inch is needed for every pound of your pet’s ashes.
If you are unsure if you want to cremate your pet. Speak to your friends and family to see which option they think may be best for you. Whichever method allows you and your family to have the most peace of mind will be best. However, 99% of pet owners choose to cremate their beloved pets each year. There are roughly 1.9 million pet funerals annually, according to the Pet Loss Professionals Alliance. That is 1.9 million pets who came from a loving home in which their family wanted to have a memorial for them.
What is Considered a Large Pet
Large pets are considered to be animals over 500 pounds. In Memoriam can accommodate up to 3000 pounds. Transporting large pets can be difficult, but you don’t have to worry about the stress of that during your time of mourning. It is all handled by In Memoriam. An example of a large pet is a horse or other equine species.
Losing a pet is like losing a member of your family. It leaves a hole in your heart for a long time and it can be stressful when they pass, especially large animals that are hard to transport. Choosing the right memorial type for your pet is important in leaving you and your family with peace of mind. Choosing large pet cremation can be a beautiful process as your beloved pet can be displayed in an urn for you to cherish their memory for a lifetime.