Baby boy

Baby boy

Pissy my boy I’m struggling without you. 17 years sweet boy I know you were ready but mama never would have been. I’m so thankful for every second I got to spend with you! I don’t know what imma do without you boy. Daddy can’t even talk about you yet. You were daddy’s everything. A true service dog. At 3.8lbs you put a smile on everyone’s face. You were the best dog ever and there will never be another that takes your place in my heart. I’m sorry man man. I wish more than anything you were still here. I’m so thankful we got to be with you and hold you as you went away from here. We can’t even explain how much we miss you and how much this hurts! You went everywhere with us for 3 years you were never alone. Daddy says you were a rotten boy and I made you that Way! You are my number 1, little man!

Daddy, mama, and the big boys miss you so much. You will never be forgotten farty dog!! We will see you at the rainbow bridge!!! Be a good boy and we will see you again my boy!