Shakespeare W. Smith

Shakespeare W. Smith

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, I kissed the top of this warm nose and held my first baby as he went to sleep forever in our living room. He left us wearing the lei he arrived to us wearing on his adoption day. He was a Hawaiian. 🌺

Shakespeare W. Smith was meant to be ours. I searched every rescue organization within 500 miles for almost a year before I found him on the Kauai Humane Society’s website. I immediately called & Wes flew from Oahu to get him the very next day. Skin and bones on arrival, he was around four years old when he became our family. He was so perfect when he came home—so sweet, beautiful, and calm—that I was sure something was wrong with him & I was scared to love him like I knew I was going to.

Turns out he was perfectly healthy and was ours thereafter for nearly eleven years. He traveled with us from Hawaii, to Missouri, to Germany, and here to Virginia. He’s been the singular constant in our lives since 2014. We were just obsessed with him.

No person is capable of loving as purely and unconditionally as a dog. He was always by my side, always following me around, always loving me & wanting to be with me no matter my bad attitude, harsh tone, mistakes, or faults. Eleven years wasn’t long enough to feel that type of love. We truly do not deserve dogs. We’ll miss him every day, especially our Birdie girl (our second rescued GSP from Arkansas) who hasn’t known life without him.

Thank you for being ours Shakey and thank you for loving me so, so well. You were such a good, good boy. 💔🎾😭