06 Oct How Are Large Pet Cremations Handled?
If you’ve recently lost a pet and are still grieving, you’re not alone. According to Forbes, an estimated 12% of respondents disclosed that they’re still grieving over a pet lost in the past three years. While dogs and cats are two of the most common companion animals, horses and other large pets are also popular companions. Equine cremation is a possibility when you want to have the remains of your horse as a keepsake. Let’s take a closer look at how the process is handled.
The Process Begins With Pre-Planning
If you’re interested in equine cremation for your companion animal, the process begins in their senior years. By most definitions, these are between 15 and 18 years. This is the time when you want to begin researching your options and think about how you want to handle their end-of-life care and burial or cremation. It’s often possible to decide on all the details and lock in your services now. This is often a good idea, as many people find it difficult to make decisions when in mourning.
There Are Choices Available to You
You can choose to bury your horse in a beloved pasture or favorite spot on your property. If you do opt for cremation, you will have a few choices. There are individual and communal cremation services. A communal service is less expensive, and the remains will not be returned to you. However, after an individual cremation, you can choose to leave the ashes with the service, take a small amount, or have all of their remains returned to you. Burial of ashes is possible, as is internment in a mausoleum. These decisions can be discussed with your service provider at length.
The Final Step in the Process
The final step is to decide what to do with your beloved animal’s remains. For some people, they want to have the ashes placed in an urn so that they can always be close by. For others, they want a cremation service but don’t require any ashes to be returned to them. For others, the burial of the remains is their preference. Whatever you decide is the right decision.
If you’re interested in our equine cremation services, contact In Memoriam Pet Services today. We can help you throughout the entire process. We look forward to working with you to help ease your grief during this difficult time.