28 Aug How to Care for Your Aging Pet
Caring for an aging pet is a difficult task. Because our companion animals are such a huge part of our lives, pet bereavement can be devastating for many people. According to Horsey Hooves, a horse enters its Senior stage between the ages of 15 and 18. This age span is only slightly longer than common household pets, so we’re aware that while we are their whole life, they’re only in ours for a short while. During the final stage of your pet’s life, it’s important to take some time to consider your options when it comes to end-of-life care. Here are a few ways to help make the aging process as stress-free as possible.
Follow Your Vet’s Advice and Trust Your Heart
Your vet can help you with the medical realities that your older pet is facing. However, you know your fur friend better than anyone. When you’re faced with a major decision regarding your pet, it’s important to listen to your vet. Of course, the final decision comes down to what you think is best, so follow your heart as well as your vet’s advice.
Make Sure Your Pet Is Comfortable and Isn’t Suffering
No one wants to see a beloved pet suffer or in pain. When your aging pet reaches the point where daily life is an excruciating challenge for them, it’s important to be realistic. You can work with your vet and try different treatments, but there will likely come a time when you’ll need to make a decision about your pet’s ongoing care. Aging pets should not suffer needlessly, but enjoy a comfortable life even if it’s a lot less active than it used to be.
Decide How to Handle the Memorial
Caring for a pet comes with the knowledge that you’ll likely outlive them. As they become older, pet bereavement looms closer. Before your pet passes on, you’ll want to take some time to consider their memorial. Burial and cremation provide different experiences and emotional reactions, so be sure to give some time to consider your decision. There are also many wonderful ways to memorialize your pet and celebrate their life.
We’re a company that proudly handles memorials and other touchstones to help you process pet bereavement. When you have an aging pet, there’s a lot of sadness and despair. We help you remember the joy and love that your pet brought into your life. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services that are available to help you through this challenging time.