24 Feb 3 Tips for Planning Your Pet’s Memorial
Almost 67% of U.S. households own a pet. From the day your pet sets foot into your home, it becomes an integral part of your life. This is what makes losing a pet quite stressful and heartbreaking. One of the things you may want to do to give your pet a proper send-off is to arrange a pet memorial. A pet memorial is not too different from any other memorial.
Choose the Location
Your pet’s memorial doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. You can even have it in your backyard. However, if you feel like holding a larger memorial, you can also do so. That way, everyone who knows your pet can come and share their memories. When planning your pet memorial, you don’t need to stick to any guidelines. You just have to plan something that’s perfect for you. You can also work with a pet funeral service company if you don’t know where to start. Some of the companies offer full-service packages that include pickup services and a viewing ceremony.
Should You Cremate or Bury
It can be a bit tough to decide whether it’s better to cremate or bury. Another thing you might want to take into consideration when making this decision is cost. Having a burial in your backyard will keep costs to a minimum, whereas burying your pet in a pet cemetery may be a bit costly. When it comes to cremation, the price generally depends on two things. The weight and size of your pet. Also, it varies depending on whether you want an individual or communal cremation. With communal cremation, multiple animals will be cremated together with your pet. This means that you won’t be able to request your pet’s remains.
Event Details
Once you have figured out all the major details, you can then start planning the event details of your pet memorial. You can include anything that makes you feel like you have honored your pet’s memory. For instance, you can opt to have a casket and flowers, and you can also throw in an engraved headstone. It all depends on what you feel is best.
These tips can help you plan your pet memorial. However, you mustn’t feel limited since there is no set of rules to follow. If you need pet funeral services, get in touch with us and we can point you in the right direction.