28 Sep 8 Ways to Commemorate Your Beloved Pet
Losing a pet is devastating and it often feels like we never have enough time with them. However, just because they are gone doesn’t mean they can’t live on in the memories that we have with them. There are also many ways to commemorate your beloved pet that can help keep their memories alive even when they are no longer by your side. If you are struggling after the loss of your pet, here are eight ways to commemorate them.
1. Statues
Small pet statues are easy to find in almost every breed imaginable, and it’s likely you can find one that resembles your beloved pet. Having a small statue that resembles them can help keep them in your mind and give you something fond to remember them by.
2. Portraits
It’s likely that you have many photos of your pet either on your phone or a digital camera. These photos can be professionally blown up and framed to fit perfectly on your wall. You could even create a collage out of your photos along with a message dedicated to them. This is one great way to commemorate your beloved pet that is both simple and sweet.
3. Photo Books
If you have a lot of photos, hanging a couple may not be enough. Consider having your photos turned into physical prints that you can then use to create a special photo book. This book can be a great way to commemorate your beloved pet and it can give you something to look through and remember all of the great times you had together.
4. Clay Paw Imprints
Some parents will have their young children create hand imprints in clay to have as a keepsake for when they are grown. However, you can also have your small animal’s paw prints imprinted in clay to keep as a small token. Some vet offices will also offer this as a service if you end up having to say goodbye to your pet there.
5. A Shadow Box
A shadow box can be a great place to put your pet’s collars, favorite toys, and other small belongings to keep on display. There really are limitless options with shadow boxes, but the most important thing to remember is to focus on keeping your most positive memories inside so that, over time, they will become a source of comfort instead of grief.
6. Burying Them in a Special Location
If you are planning on burying your pet, you may consider having a special headstone made for them and selecting a special place that held significance for them. For instance, if they had a favorite spot in your backyard, you could choose this area to lay them to rest. Adding a customized headstone with their picture can also be a great way to commemorate your beloved pet.
7. Decorating an Urn
According to the Pet Loss Professionals Alliance survey, 1.9 million pet funerals occur every year with 99% of pets being cremated. If you’ve chosen to have your beloved pet cremated, you can decorate an urn for them to keep in a special place or bury it in a special location.
8. Donate to a Pet Charity in Their Name
Lastly, a great way to commemorate your beloved pet is to donate to a local shelter or pet charity in your pet’s name so that other pets can receive the love and support that they need. Donating in your pet’s name is a great way to turn your loss into something positive that can benefit a lot of animals in your area.
If you are struggling with the loss of your beloved pet, consider these eight ways to commemorate them. While they may seem small, they can all go a long way towards keeping the memory of your pet alive so that they will never be forgotten.